The Making of a Debugging Talk

Just recently I presented a short talk on time-travelling debuggers at Code BEAM Stockholm, so I thought it would be interesting to go into some of the things happening behind the scenes here.

Last time I wrote about my general approach to writing talks, so this time I’ll just discuss the general design ideas that went on this one in particular.

It was a bit of a wild ride, to be honest, and I panicked more than usual; but such is life. It was still a fun experience in the end :’)

What would a 'Coding Cover' be like?

The art community has some interesting dynamics where people try to re-interpret existing works with their own aesthetics and understanding of it. Of course, part of this is that art allows this re-interpretation to begin with; there are no right or wrong answers in art.

I often go around saying that programming and mathematics can be seen as art forms, too, but it just struck me that I don’t know anything like this in the programming scene, at least (and I’m not familiar enough with the mathematics scene to comment on that).

Which then led to the question: “What would a ‘Coding Cover’ (for lack of a better name) look like?”

Crochet 0.14 is here!

Version 0.14 is the newest experimental release for Crochet. It fixes some of the most glaring semantic issues in the language, and adds quite a few new packages, with a particular focus on debugging. The changelog summarises all of these.

You can install it from npm as usual:

$ npm install -g @qteatime/crochet@experimental

Since these are experimental pre-releases, do note that there will be many issues (including security issues!) in it. Treat it as a toy, not a finished programming system.

Anyway, let’s talk about the stuff that is included in this version!