Types Might Not Matter!

Published 01 April 2014

The functional programming community can be, sometimes, daunting. While we are pursuing noble goals, of an expressive computational model that can enforce correctness-by-design, more often than not we get too caught on the little details of the known ways to achieve such, and end up considering that to be the one and only true way. Yes, I’m talking about the idolisation of static typing.

I, too, was one of the people in the cult of Martin-Lof. One of the proponents of static typing above all. But not anymore. After watching so many talks by Gilad Bracha, such as Deconstructing Functional Programming, I’ve started to wonder if types might actually be as important as I once considered them. Turns out, it isn’t that important (though they allow some pretty interesting properties), which is why I’ve decided to drop static typing from my programming language, Harmonia.

In this article I explain why static typing is not the one true way, as many type theorists believe it to be, and show that there are ways to enforce correctness-by-design otherwise. I also show that by dropping static types, a range of interesting properties become available for the language designer, in the quest to make the language safer and easier to use.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Harmonia is a programming language designed for writing domain specific embedded languages, and also happens to be a general purpose programming language. Since I don’t believe general purpose actually exists in programming, and because coordinating and composing different domain specific languages is usually a pain, the focus is on DSELs.

Lisps are good at DSELs, as is Haskell. But Haskell is also good at composition, unlike most Lisps. I used to believe that such property was a direct consequence of having a rich and expressive static type system, since composition is all about design constraints, thus this was the original design of Harmonia: a statically typed programming language, with compile-time (not turing complete) macros, and a syntax that would make it easy to write languages on top. These languages would share the same semantics and runtime, and would have their composition enforced through types.

However, there are other programming languages that, despite not having a static type system, are good at DSELs and composition. Newspeak is an example of such. In fact, for some purposes, Newspeak happens to be better at composition than Haskell! – theoretically, at least. I was thrilled to learn more about them, and about how they solve the correctness-by-design problem. I describe my, surprising even for me, findings in this article.

2. Why correctness-by-design?

One of the major goals of Harmonia is to be able to guide the user towards a correctness-by-design approach. This means that a program that is valid in the language, should also be a correct program. The language should make an effort of rejecting programs that can be wrong, and otherwise make them difficult to write. The path of least resistance should be that which leads to safe programs that do what they were designed to do.

While this noble goal might seem easy on the surface, in truth it’s difficult to conciliate correctness and expressiveness, for the more power you give to the user, the less control you have over the ways and outcomes of using that power. It’s one of the reasons why pure functional programming is powerful, since it eliminates a class of errors that would otherwise be possible when you break referential transparency.

There is not a single answer to this problem, instead all of the features in the language must contribute towards this goal. For example, allowing computations that depend on the order in which a particular program was written makes it difficult to achieve correctness, since the order says nothing about the nature and dependencies of the computation in a way that can be easily analysed by a static tool or the programmers themselves. On the other hand, writing a program with explicit dependencies on data and their cases, makes it easy to analyse when something should happen or not, by both a static tool and the programmer. For example, a static tool could enforce that all possible cases of a particular data structure should be handled by the programmer, giving less room for human errors.

Above all features, static typing proponents contend that typing is able to enforce the most correctness properties. It’s not difficult to see this, since types can be used as a way of enforcing constraints on valid values throughout the program, and how they’re supposed to flow from one place to another. Plus, with dependent types (or even a less rich kind of type system), it’s possible to prove many valuable properties about a program.

3. Types versus syntactical constraints

So, types are not the only thing we can use to enforce design constraints and get correctness-by-design, as shown by Smalltalk dialects. We can also use syntactical constraints to, not only enforce these properties, but guide the user towards them.

If we were to compare, for example, Haskell and Smalltalk, in terms of syntactical constraints, we would see that the former makes no effort to guide the user towards valid compositions of terms at this level, since there are only curried functions and function application. Consider the following example, where one is expected to sort a list of things descendingly, according to its weight, and display the title of the first 2 items:

import Data.List

data Thing = Thing { title  :: String
                   , weight :: Int
                   } deriving (Show)

on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
on f g a b = f (g a) (g b)

things = [
  Thing { title = "Foo", weight = 3 }
, Thing { title = "Bar", weight = 6 }
, Thing { title = "Baz", weight = 1 }
, Thing { title = "Qux", weight = 7 }

mostImportant :: [Thing] -> [Thing]
mostImportant = sortBy (flip compare `on` weight)

main = putStrLn $ show $ take 2 $ mostImportant things

As you can see, since all functions in Haskell are essentially a -> b, you can combine them in every which way syntactically. It’s only the types that provide compositional constraints, and these are not visible, for example, at the call site (not in a text editor, at least). In contrast, Smalltalk languages provide compositional constraints at the call-site, in exchange for the compositional power of curried functions (though it’s arguable if this is a problem if we consider a simple syntax). Consider the following example in untyped Harmonia:

module Main for: Platform where

  -- Record syntax currently looks too funny in Harmonia,
  -- so it'll probably change later eh
  things = [[: title => "Foo", weight => 3 :]
           ,[: title => "Bar", weight => 6 :]
           ,[: title => "Baz", weight => 1 :]
           ,[: title => "Qux", weight => 7 :]

  print = Platform IO print

  xs most-important = xs sort-by: { l r | r weight compare-to: l weight }

  main = things most-important |> _ take: 2 |> _ show |> _ print


The Harmonia counterpart provides much more guidance to the programmer on the way things may be combined, thanks to the keyword syntax, and the use of explicit partial application instead of curried functions. The symmetry between curry/uncurry is lost, but the composition power for valid compositions is still maintained, which is what matters in the end.

4. Conclusion

Surely, if we were to consider only the development of programs using text editors and a compiler, types will give you a much faster feedback when you get something wrong. But we don’t need to confine our design space to such tools, and dynamic typing provides some interesting benefits as far as tools for interactive development are concerned, given they’re easier to work with.

Whether an interactive development can take the role of a static type system in aiding the programmer designing correct programs remains to be seen. But I’m confident that the trade-offs amount to comparable compositional power and constraints, albeit through entirely different paths. And for Harmonia, I’d like to try walking down the dynamic typing route with a powerful interactive development environment, which most of the functional programming community doesn’t seem to be interested in.

Oh, by the way, have a nice April’s Fools :)

5. References and Additional Reading

Type Systems
Lucca Cardelli
Haskell 98 Language and Libraries: The Revised Report
Simon Peyton Jones
The Newspeak Programming Platform
Gilad Bracha, Peter Ahe, Vassili Bykov, Yaron Kashai, and Eliot Miranda
Modules as Objects in Newspeak
Gilad Bracha, Peter von der Ahé, Vassili Bykov, Yaron Kashai, William Maddox, and Eliot Miranda
Computational Contracts
Christophe Scholliers, Éric Tanter, and Wolfgang de Meuter
Epigram: Practical Programming with Dependent Types
Conor McBride
F-Ing Modules
Andreas Rossberg, Claudio Russo, and Derek Dreyer
Types, Abstraction, and Parametric Polymorphism, Part 2
QingMing Ma, and John C. Reynolds
A theory of type polymorphism in programming
Robin Milner
Principal type-schemes for functional programs
Luis Damas, and Robin Milner
Domain Specific Languages
Paul Hudak
Why Functional Programming Matters
John Hughes
Deconstructing Functional Programming
Gilad Bracha
Onward! -- Does Thought Crime Pay?
Gilad Bracha